Thursday, September 08, 2005

Did you get our mailer?

So this is our response to the ERP Graveyard - mailing out free software!

If you got this CD in the mail, congratulations - that means you were on the right kind of ERP Solution Provider mailing list to begin with (whoopee!), and more importantly, you've saved the time and hassle of downloading the software from our website.

If you didn't get the CD, you can download the software at - but as you might have guessed from the URL, we do ask you to fill out a little form first.

Anyway, it's a fully functional demo of the OpenMFG ERP software. We think you'll find it covers most of the bases of what you'd expect to see in an ERP for small to midsized manufacturers and distributors - and maybe a few things that will surprise you. It runs on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X ... and everybody, customers and VAR partners, gets the source code.

If your customer wants to make a change - or better yet, wants to pay you to make the change, we'll work with you to make sure the enhancement gets back into the main (supported) product.

So even if (heaven forbid) the great and powerful OpenMFG ends up in the graveyard someday, you and your customer are protected. You've got the source code, and you've got a global community of users and developers to continue to work with.

Now there's a cheery thought.

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