Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Battle of the MS-PEGGIES

That's my new name for PEG (Private Equity Group) funded takeover shops formerly known as Made2Manage and Intuitive. Both companies had previously built their business around an all-Microsoft platform bet (do some Googling for their crowing about being first to implement .NET and the like). Well, look what it got 'em. Run up on the rocks, and acquired by PEGs who told them, like Michael Corleone said to Mo Green, "you're unlucky. We think we can do better."

So two pieces of news for the MS-PEGGIES. Intuitive yesterday announced they were acquiring Relevant Business Systems. Write your own punch line here. (Sorry - that was a cheap one. Relevant's INFIMACS is a well-known solution in the A&D market). This follows last month's pickup of SupplyWorks, which your host had somehow overlooked.

Made2Manage, not to be outdone, last week announced its purchase of ETO specialist Encompix. In case you missed the point, the company press release refers to its own "acquisition spree" in the headline, and helpfully notes, "The acquisition marks Made2Manage Systems’ fifth purchase in the last 20 months." Sheesh.

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